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Dearly beloved, I write to express my sincere thanks to Almighty God, Who is our Shield and Defense in this time of global pandemic. I encourage you to keep proper hygiene and stay safe. You and your family are in our prayers. Regardless of the havoc of the pandemic, "But this is what the Sovereign Lord ...

Hebrew Year 5780

What a wonderful and joyful encounter to celebrate the New Hebrew Year 5780.  The sundown of September 29th, 2019 marks the beginning of a new decade (5780-5789).  I am thankful to the Holy One of Israel to partake of the fulfilment of His unfailing promises in the AYIN decade 5770 -5779).  Ayin – “eye” or “fountain”.  This new decade ...


Breakthrough is an act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction, and ready to be at the offensive in penetrating what has held us bound. The word sounds like something sudden or quick despite the obstruction, yet advancing. The good thing about it is, when achieved it permits further progress. In seeking God’s face, the ...

Healing Bitter Roots

Increasing number of people are becoming unhappy, losing hope and courage, not because of lack of food and shelter, but partly because of non-fulfillment of one's expectations, resulting into anguish of mind. We are creature designed to be functional - useful and operating correctly. When this fails, we are stressful and troubled; becoming hard to ...
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