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2 post(s) in 2020
Dearly beloved,
I write to express my sincere thanks to Almighty God, Who is our Shield and Defense in this time of global pandemic. I encourage you to keep proper hygiene and stay safe. You and your family are in our prayers. Regardless of the havoc of the pandemic, "But this is what the Sovereign Lord ...
2020 – The Year of “Manifesting Indestructible Life”
Year 2020 is My Year of "Manifesting Indestructible Life"
Who is made, not after the law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless life. -Hebrews 7:16
You start the new year with a good harvest.You end the year with many crops.Psalm 65:11 (Easy-to-Read Version)
Download this years' magazine about "Curing Loneliness"
Year 2020 ...