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What do you do when you are at a loss and every step of recovery fails, yet encompassed by battles? When skill and connecting with friends and helpers prove insufficient? Yet we are in the world that has no sympathy for losers, no apathy for the defeated and insensitive to people’s need. It’s hard to know how many people have become insecure and uncertain about the future because of the unpleasant past. Lamentably, the past makes mockery of the future. It becomes a big struggle to escape the failure of the past. Hurts and wounds if not healed, create regrettable past. The past, if unconquered, can cause wounded self image, low self esteem and weakened inner strength. It is time to break free from the cycle of rejection, betrayal and condemnation that have caused you traumatic impact. You can arise from your unawesome past and embrace a more fulfilling future. The good news is “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Heb. 13:8).
“Hurts and wounds if not healed, create regrettable past. The past, if unconquered, can cause wounded self image, low self esteem and weakened inner strength.”
Resurrected Jesus remains continually unchanging and unfailing. He can heal your past, blessed your present and prosper your future. He is able to deliver your past from affliction, transform your present and give you a better tomorrow. His blood can cure the wounds of your past, reverse evil experiences and rescue you from the fears of tomorrow. He can ransom your tormenting past, open your heart to love again and make your future honorable. Don’t be trapped by the battle of the past and the fears of tomorrow; it is an ambushment to your soul. “And when Judah looked around, to their surprise the battle line was at both front and rear; and they cried out to the Lord, and the priests sounded the trumpets“ (2 Chr. 13:14).
The people of Judah were attacked at on both front and rear. What do you do when you’re confronted with battles before (future) and behind (past)? How you react to the conflicting situations around you will determine your way of escape. The people of Judah “cried unto the Lord”. It is unfortunate that many people today will murmur, complain and in bitterness, mock God. This wrong approach will only make the matter worse. Crying unto God with unshaken trust brings deliverance. “Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, And He saved them out of their distresses” (Psa. 107:13).
Squalus was a US Sargo-Class submarine known for her tour of duty in the Pacific war during World War II. Launched on September 14th, 1938 and commissioned on March 1st, 1939. Due to mechanical failure, Squalus sank during a test drive on May 23rd, 1939¹. On her first mission, her maiden voyage, she went 240ft to the bottom of the ocean and smashed. Twenty six people were killed and thirty-six others survived. Squalus test drove in water shallower than her crush depth. She was recovered, repaired, reconditioned, overhauled and re-commissioned on May 15th, 1940, after which she was renamed Sailfish on February 9th, 1940. Sailors generally consider re-naming a ship to be bad luck. “In an ironic turn of fate, Sailfish sank the Japanese aircraft Chuyo”². Made twelve patrols, sank seven Japanese ships. Brought down 22,000-tons aircraft carrier. “Made the most successful patrol by tonnage to date”³. It was de-commissioned on October 27th, 1945.
The same ship that had gone down in horrible defeat, rose again. No matter how badly damaged your past, you might have been smashed and horribly wounded, notwithstanding you can be recovered, repaired, renamed and re-commissioned. You can arise from your sinking past. Your life can be refurbished and become so glorious that the wounds and damages of your past will be a point of praise, after the order of Joseph – “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive” (Gen. 50:20). Just as Squalus was raised up again, re-conditioned and repaired, you also can be free from the hurts of your past. Re-condition your mind by not allowing negative imaginations and bitter thoughts to rule your mind. Damages caused by your past need repair, if you must build a glorious future; and the Word of God is the most active means of achieving the promising and fulfilling future. “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. Uphold me according to Your word, that I may live; And do not let me be ashamed of my hope.” (Psa. 119:9; 116). The submarine was renamed, from Squalus to Sailfish. The past had put a label of failure on you, but it can change. You can disconnect yourself from evil identity and move from failure to success, defeat to victory, and sadness to joy.
“… you might have been smashed and horribly wounded, notwithstanding you can be recovered, repaired, renamed and re-commissioned.”
Sailfish won many awards: Presidential Unit Citation formerly called “the Distinguished Unit Citation” – an award for extraordinary heroism. From a maiden failure to heroic honor. I can’t imagine the negative comments when the submarine smashed and failed. While many people considered it hopeless, she proved them wrong. When you also humble yourself as clay before God, Who is the Potter, He can refurbish you and re-launch you. Being renewed from your ruined past is an awesomeness of a determined mind ready for a better tomorrow. Abijah, the son of Rehoboam was the King of Judah who inherited failure, defeat and loss. His father lost the Kingdom to Jeroboam who had been the servant of King Solomon, his father. How frustrating to see the servant of your father who had served you while growing up, arise to take over your inheritance and war continuously with you. Rehoboam fought hard, but never recovered the lost cities. His son, Abijah brought under the oppression and prevailed, because he “relied upon the LORD GOD” (2 Chr. 13:18). Inherited failure should not be an excuse from attaining greatness. “So Jeroboam did not recover strength again in the days of Abijah; and the Lord struck him, and he died” (2 Chr. 13:20). Now is the time for you also to confront your past failures and bring down the strongman that limits your advancement. Your tomorrow can bring great joy rather than allowing the defeat, hurts, offenses and unforgiveness to ruin your better tomorrow. So, arise from your bitter past to a better today and brilliant tomorrow.
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